Who is CMABS?
Costa Mesa Alliance for Better Streets (CMABS) is a 501(c)(3) public charity composed of like-minded Costa Mesa residents who recognize that we are more effective working together than we are on our own. Together we monitor local and state activity that is related to street design and land use, advocate for positive changes to the built environment, and collaborate on street projects to help move forward our vision of more humane public spaces.
Mission Statement
To imagine, inspire, and realize a more humane use of our streets as public spaces.
We can’t change what we don’t understand, and we can’t be involved in things we aren’t aware of. Keeping an eye on local agencies is crucial if we are to shape the future. With this knowledge, we are better equipped to help these agencies make good decisions, and help rally people in support.
Show people how the public space of our streets might be. Carry out tactical urbanism demonstrations, open streets events, and other activities to help demonstrate how much better our streets can really be when we're willing to rethink our urban infrastructure.
Help the community stay informed on topics related to our mission, and help each other learn more about our transportation options in Costa Mesa. Many people drive only because they're not familiar with our bike network or with OCTA’s routes and timetables. We want to help de-stigmatize and de-mystify “alternative” ways of getting around.
If we let old-school traffic engineers lay out our options and drive the conversation, we're guaranteed to get only more of the same, auto-oriented, dangerous, and bleak streetscapes. We want to help people think outside the box, and imagine what our public spaces might be like if we prioritized people over cars, and beauty over utility.
Guiding Principles
having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature.
Keep things positive. Drivers are not our enemies. Agencies are not our enemies. We're all tangled in a web of auto-dependency and need to work together to make any real progress. Always be respectful and courteous.
(of a person) having sound judgment; fair and sensible.
Keep everyone’s experience in mind. People are dependent on getting around in their cars, an to create impossible situations for them would be unreasonable. Likewise, City staff and leadership are often uncomfortably situated between differing opinions about our streets. We can't expect them to act on issues that residents haven't insisted on.
characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
While street safety and increased mobility options are great things to work towards, don't lose sight of the big picture. Think about how streets should look, feel, and function. Beauty, delight, and civic pride are important. Remember that the city is our streets.
(especially of change or action) relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something; far-reaching or thorough.
To put it bluntly, most of our streets are inhospitable to anyone outside of a car. Not only that, but there is a lot of momentum to make them worse. What we’re working towards is radically different than the status quo. Don’t be afraid to challenge convention, and discuss big ideas.
The Costa Mesa Alliance for Better Streets is a California Public Benefit Corporation organized for the purpose of engaging in charitable, educational, and scientific activities relating to making streets and other public spaces better for everyone. The Costa Mesa Alliance for Better Streets has been recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity; our IRS determination letter is publicly viewable here.
The corporation's board of directors and officers are all volunteers. No corporate funds will be used for influencing legislation.
For questions or requests relating to the corporation, contact the CMABS Secretary: Mike Lingle (mike@cmabs.org).