CMABS Holiday Pizza Social & Fundraiser: December 16, 7pm at Pitfire

Our monthly meeting will be a bit different this December: we're going to be meeting at Pitfire Pizza on Monday December 16 at 7:00pm and taking over their back room to have our first annual Holiday Pizza Social.

Come one, come all, and bring a friend or two. The entire goal of the day is to take a break from the holiday chaos to socialize, have fun, and enjoy some good food.

The good folks at Pitfire Pizza have been kind enough to offer to donate 15% of the proceeds to us from every order placed on December 16 that mentions CMABS. So, even if you can't make it to our social, we strongly encourage eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at Pitfire Pizza that day. Just remember to mention CMABS when you place your order (or show the flier).


Join us Monday Jan. 20 @7pm to help us make New Year's resolutions for Costa Mesa's streets


Holiday ride to deliver cookies to Costa Mesa fire and police