CMABS News: October 29, 2024
Hey everyone! As always there is a lot happening to make our streets better in Costa Mesa. Let’s dive in ⤵️
The Election is on November 5th! Remember to Vote!
The 2024 presidential election is finally upon us. Personnel is policy and that couldn’t be more true for local races!! Not sure how to vote? Head over to the Costa Mesa election website for all of the details in one place. Not sure who to vote for locally? We have put together a helpful Candidate Questionnaire so you can see which of the City Council candidates is taking our streets seriously (and who isn’t). And need some extra motivation? Read the letter from our Board of Directors. Transportation issues are absolutely on the ballot, so please: make your voice heard and VOTE!
Costa Mesa announces the lowering of speed limits on 76 street segments
Last year we were incredibly pumped to learn that Costa Mesa had decided to lower the speed limits on 17 street segments, signalling an intent to take advantage of AB 43’s revolutionary reform to put cities back in control of their speed limits.
Now the city’s gone and outdone themselves: this week, they announced they were reducing speed limits on 76 additional street segments! Holy Moly! Want to see if your street is on the list? Check it out here!
Circuit Transit begins offering rides in Westside and Eastside Costa Mesa
We’ve been spying on the Circuit website ever since we heard that the rideshare company was coming to Costa Mesa, and now the service is active! Circuit is a free, point-to-point transit option similar to Uber or Lyft, except that it is operated by a contractor employed by the city. If your journey starts and ends within the boundary highlighted on the map, try hailing a ride!
Check out the City’s Community Bike Skills Workshop, this Saturday!
Walk & Rollers have teamed up with the City of Costa Mesa to put on a series of community bike skills workshops. The next one will be held on Saturday, November 2 from 10:00am to 2:00pm at St. Joachim Catholic Church in Eastside, Costa Mesa! We’re thrilled to see the long-worked-for bicycle education program become a reality. For more information, head over to the Walk n’ Rollers event page.
Save the Date!
There is going to be so much to unpack after the November elections, so let’s talk about it! Please mark November 18 on your calendars for a potential CMABS meetup. Event details TBD!
Join Lillördag - Costa Mesa’s weekly social bike ride!
When? Every Wednesday Night
@6:15pm meet up
@6:30pm ride begins
Where? Lions Park in Costa Mesa, meet by the bathrooms on 18th street
What? Casual/Party pace bike ride, 10-15 mile rides around the area. 🚨Bring lights! 🚨
The big meetings are all on hiatus until the November 5, election. So GO VOTE instead!
CMABS featured in Eastside Living!
The Eastside’s neighborhood lifestyle magazine, Eastside Living, reached out to CMABS board member Jenn Tanaka to discuss what CMABS does and what it wants to see change in the city. We’ve posted the full article on our website if you want to check it out! It was a great feature and we’re so thankful to William Chen and the Eastside Living team.
Want to learn more about this great local magazine? Head over to the Eastside Living Instagram page and give them a follow.
That’s all for now. Have a great week!